How can you improve your email deliverability?

The Complete Guide to Enhancing Email Deliverability
Email deliverability is one of the strongest determinants of how well your e-mail marketing campaigns are going to fare. When your emails land up in the inbox of your prospect and not in their junk, you are more likely to drive engagement and conversion. Here are some tried-and-tested methods that can help you enhance your email deliverability:

1. Keep Your Email List Clean

Remove Bad Addresses: Regularly try to cleanse your list of those that may be invalid, inactive, or hard bounce addresses.
Shun Purchased Lists: This purchased list is generally associated with carrying very low or outdated quality email addresses that surely hurt your sender reputation.
Encourage Opt-ins: Organically build your list by encouraging users to join your mailing list.
2. Authenticate Your Emails

Sender Policy Framework - SPF: SPF record configuration on the servers grants permission to send emails from your account.
DomainKeys Identified Mail - DKIM: Emails are sent out with a digital signature attached to the mail, thus authenticating it.
Domain-based Message Bulk Email Data Authentication, Reporting & Conformance - DMARC: Implement DMARC to set policies for how to handle unauthenticated emails.  |
3. Create the Best Possible Content

Quality and Engaging Content: High value and relevance to the subscribers.
Spam Triggers: Avoid too many keywords, all in caps, or too many exclamation marks.
Personalization: It should be related to subscriber interest and preference.
4. Improve Your Sender Reputation

Engagement: Ask your subscribers to click on links, reply, or forward emails in your messages. The more your recipients engage with your messages, the more engagement. Know your deliverability rate: Complaint rates, open rates, and click-through rates can show you whether you have a problem that needs deeper research. Route complaints and bouncebacks as quickly as possible to help improve your sender reputation. 5. Avoid Spam Traps

Be Careful Buying Lists: Never make use of purchased lists that may have spam traps set up in them.
Check your IP Reputation: It's highly vital that you check from time to time if your IP address has been reported for spam or not.

6. Make Use of a Sound Email Marketing Platform

Select a Reputed Provider: Avail the service of a provider that has enjoyed a good reputation over the years and has strong anti-spam policies.
Utilize full email scheduling, A/B testing, and analytics to optimize and better your campaigns.
7. Best Practice Your Emails

Constant Sender Address: Always use the same sender address and name.
Clearly Identify Subject Lines: Your subject lines should mirror, with all precision and brevity, what the content of your email contains. Optimize for Mobile: With the numbers of mobile users still on the increase, it is expected that your emails would be optimized for use on mobile. Renew your contents from time to time so that subscribers don't get bored with your emails.
All these means go a long way in reinforcing the deliverability of emails to their rightful owners. Keep in mind that all one needs is some consistency in the efforts and continued monitoring to make sure sender reputation is on track, which in turn will let you achieve set goals pertaining to email marketing.

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